Monday, August 30, 2010

this IS my blog

I've made attempts at this sort of thing in the past. Livejournal can be a strangely cathartic thing to a teenager, man..not only from writing about your own troubles, but from reading about the troubles of any random livejournalist, and in the process getting the necessary perspective to realize that everyone's got their troubles. some of those folks lead some interesting and complex lives. I digress.

Another attempt, my on-again-off-again blog called "fruit on the bottom, hope on top" (inspired by the late Mitchell Hedberg), was a mixed bag. I found myself scrambling all over the board, writing about whatever was on my mind at the time. Not to say there's anything wrong with that, but I found my delivery suffered an unpredictable variability. I'd write about my day, my weekend, a dream from which i'd just woken up.. sometimes i would just write about the emotion i was currently feeling, and all the stimuli that went with it. While effective--to a point-- at purging my bottled emotions, eventually my posts had taken on a routine where the reader was forced into the role of my "sounding board", reading all my whining and complaining with no truly effective way to share their two cents other than the post facto comment. not the most interesting stuff for a reader to stagger through, and not the best thing for someone wanting to draw hits on his blog.

All in all, I feel like I wrote a handful of good posts over the years. I could imagine my randomness being a little jarring to the casual reader, stumbling across my blog by heaven knows what circumstance. Perhaps some withered old crone at a crossroad of one of the great tubes of the internet--her glass eye glinting in the light from his lantern--pointed the naive soul to my blog's doorstep with a feeble outstretched finger. He took a few cautious steps forward, and when he turned back to thank her for her aid, she had vanished.

I need to change things up. I want this blog to be a productive enterprise, without turning it into a digital tissue into which my 128-bit crocodile tears would inevitably flow. life is hard, etc. I want to make this into a platform for the ideas that I would otherwise create and promptly allow to wither and die. this is poor form for a writer, and doubly so for a comedian (i consider myself to be both of these things to varying degrees that change as often as the socks on my feet). No, my better ideas deserve to be fed and nurtured, kept around and molded into something bigger and better than before.
with a little luck, i'll start writing jokes again before New Years
One idea I had today was a method of determining the "springboard" of my posts--the method by which i turn an idea into a few hundred (hopefully coherent and palatable) words: each blog post title will contain the word "is", "am", or "was"*. What goes on the left and right of that root word is up to me, my current mood/state, or whatever cool thing I just happened to find on the internet. My initial idea for this blog was to name is is/am/was, but earlier while in the car I considered using "Kress, please!" instead, and it stuck. I have some other interesting ideas going forward, but to quote the great Clay Davis:

"Crawl, walk, then run"

*[i may, in time, incorporate the words "will be" into the mix, but for now, I'll maintain this trio]

I'll graciously bow out of this first post before it becomes too much. Thank you for reading this initial gibberish, and hopefully you'll find yourself coming back often to see what trinkets i've snatched from the LOLdragon's lair.


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